Behind My Smile: Navigating the Reality of Men’s Mood Swings

Journey into understanding and managing the emotional highs and lows men often keep hidden.

Aditya Gupta
3 min readSep 26, 2024
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

When individuals discuss mood swings, the debate usually veers toward women, especially in light of hormonal changes connected to pregnancy or menstruation.

Men also go through mood fluctuations, but sometimes misinterpreted or unacknowledged; many people are unaware of this fact.

Though many men strive for a peaceful façade, emotional highs and lows are a reality that can occasionally feel debilitating.

The Strain of Keeping Control

Men are taught from early life to keep their cool and under control. We are told, “boys don’t cry,” and “real men are strong.”

Many times, it is considered as a sign of weakness, emotional expression provides little space to handle something like mood swings.

Growing up, I thought I had to be consistent and dependable — showing emotions or having changing moods felt like an admission something was wrong with me. However, the reality is rather different.

There are days when I feel on top of the world, full of enthusiasm and hope, and then the pendulum swings, and I find myself annoyed, dissatisfied, or oddly depressed without any clear trigger.

Often difficult to grasp, these mood swings can also be challenging to communicate with others.

I used to believe I was unique in feeling this way for a long time, but I have come to find that many men go through mood swings — even if they don’t share this with others.

The Part Stress, Hormones, and Lifestyle Play in

Men’s mood swings can be ascribed to a range of causes, some are biological, and others are related to lifestyle and outside demands. One key player is stress.

Men especially carry the weight of societal expectations — the obligation to maintain a particular image, support our families, or perform professionally.

Stress can distort our emotional state and cause mood swings that strike out of nowhere.

Furthermore, hormones are important. Although testosterone is sometimes linked to aggressiveness, variations in testosterone levels can also cause irritation, low energy, and mood changes.

Men’s testosterone levels naturally drop with age, which might aggravate emotional volatility.

Lifestyle choices, including inadequate sleep, a bad diet, and little physical activity, fan the flames. Neglecting my self-care practices causes more noticeable mood fluctuations.

It’s incredible how much my mental and emotional well-being depends on these fundamental aspects of life — sleep, exercise, nourishment.

Managing the Emotional Rollercoaster

The first step in negotiating mood swings was realizing I had them. I suppressed my emotions for a long period since I believed that if I just kept on, the emotions would go away.

But stifling them did nothing except aggravate things. I came to see over time that embracing my emotional changes is normal for humans rather than a weakness.

Finding triggers was among the main techniques that worked for me. One major factor is stress, hence, learning strategies for the management of it became crucial.

Grounding me has been much aided by meditation, mindfulness, and exercise.

I stop, inhale, and tell myself that this shall pass whenever I sense the start of a mood swing. All the difference can come from a few deep breaths or a ten-minute walk.

Especially important has been discussing mood swings. Opening up to friends, a boyfriend, or even a therapist has brought relief and validation. Knowing that I’m not alone helps to ease things.

I was shocked to find how many other men around me felt the same when I started discussing my experiences; they had kept it bottled up for fear of criticism.

Changing the Silence

Though it remains, men’s emotions are increasingly under less shame. More men are discussing their emotional well-being as they understand that ups and downs are natural.

We are not required to act as stoic or uncassionate. Though they do define not who we are, how we handle mood swings will determine our life.

Though I have struggled behind my grins, I have come to negotiate the truth of mood swings by embracing self-awareness and emotional integrity. Though it’s not always simple, the road is well worth traveling.

Accepting and managing the emotional rollercoaster will help us to create a more balanced, contented life.

Ultimately, it’s about knowing ourselves better and realizing that occasionally it’s acceptable not to be okay; it’s not about being flawless or always under control.



Aditya Gupta

I write about startup culture, corporate, self improvement and productivity!