How HIIT Workouts Helped Me Break Through Fitness Plateaus

These short, intense workouts helped me break free from frustration.

Aditya Gupta
3 min readSep 21, 2024
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

We have all been there — stuck in a once-magic fitness program but suddenly, no matter how hard you try, advancement appears to stop. For three months, I was in that state, frustrated and unclear about how to proceed.

I then came upon High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT changed my attitude to exercise completely, not only lifting my plateau. Here’s how HIIT enabled me to get results not seen in months.

My Trip to HIIT

I made excellent improvement when I first started my fitness quest. I gained muscle, dropped fifteen pounds, and felt energized over the first six months.

But after seven months, I stagnated — my weight dropped but my strength increases ceased even with the same regimen.

After investigating fresh training plans, I came onto HIIT. It promised quick results, less time spent working out, and a novel approach to test my body. I resolved to give it a go.

Why is HIIT so Effective?

Short bursts of intensive exercise alternately with brief rest intervals form High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). These high-intensity intervals push your body to work harder than during conventional training.

Designed to burn fat, boost endurance, and develop muscle — all in less time — HIIT.

Combining short, strong exertion with little recovery was the ideal fix to get me back in shape.

How HIIT Distinct My Plateau?

1. Shocking My Body with Intensity

My body had adjusted to the daily schedule, and I needed something to break through the inertia. HIIT delivered.

Whether it was 30-second sprints or 45-second rounds of burpees, the brief bursts of all-out effort challenged my limitations and drove my muscles to work harder.

I shed five pounds after three weeks and felt more stamina and strength. At last the plateau that had annoyed me for months was gone.

2. Increase Metabolism Using the Afterburn Effect

HIIT burns calories even after the workout. Known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), this afterburn effect lets me burn calories for up to 24 hours following every workout.

I lowered two percent of my body fat and shed seven pounds in six weeks. Even on rest days, my metabolism was turned on full tilt.

3. Making Workouts Fun Again

My fitness plateau has been much influenced by boredom. The quick-paced, varied exercises in HIIT kept things interesting.

Every session varied, whether I was working on battle ropes, mountain climbers, or jump squats. This diversity excited me about my workouts once more.

The best thing about it is that it lasted 20 to 25 minutes, the sessions were brief and made me feel more successful than lengthier, more boring workouts.

4. Maximizing Results in Less Time

The efficiency of HIIT changed things. Seeing better results than when I spent twice that time on conventional cardio and weightlifting, I fit in four workouts a week, each lasting under thirty minutes.

I progressed more in six weeks than in the last four months.

HIIT made me realize that variation and intensity count more than the time of a workout.

HIIT’s physical and psychological demands forced me outside my comfort zone and helped me break past my fitness plateau and regain my love of personal development.

I suggest HIIT if you find yourself caught in your exercise path. Though demanding, the benefits are well worth it. Along with breaking past plateaus, you will release fresh levels of motivation, endurance, and strength.

At Last,

Beyond merely increasing the intensity of the same routines, breaking through a fitness plateau calls for something more. HIIT helped me occasionally with a total strategic change of direction.

HIIT helped me conquer my fitness challenges with brief, strong bursts of activity, a metabolic afterburn spanning all day, and fresh enthusiasm. HIIT can be the ideal approach for you if you want to challenge yourself beyond your comfort level.



Aditya Gupta

I write about startup culture, corporate, self improvement and productivity!